Franchise Agreement

The Franchise Agreement is a generic document that can be tailored to suit the individual user and is supplied in PDF format.

By use of a logo, business card, letterhead etc. pasted in on the front covers, the document is immediately individualised to a company and for use by that company.

The document comes in three parts…

Completion Notes:
This is a supplementary section to the Agreement to itemise which points of the Franchise Agreement need completing with such details as start dates, franchise fees etc.

Franchise Agreement:
This is the main document which is carefully filled in and variable details entered and agreed. Both parties sign individual copies, have them witnessed and then keep a copy (not photocopy).

Specification Changes:
In the event of a change to any item in the Franchise Agreement, this section allows for changes to be noted (such as franchise fee etc), agreed and mutually signed – thus keeping the agreement fully up to date at all times.

The end user is allowed to copy the original master for their own use only and on the understanding that the copyright is invested in Ideas4ADIs and not the end user. The end user must ensure that the copyright details remain on all subsequent copies.