The multi award-winning AlcoSense Elite Breathalyser has been upgraded and now has the ability to be set to any UK, Irish or European limit. This easy to use breathalyser measures how much alcohol you have in your system in either mg/litre of breath or ‰BAC (per/mil blood alcohol concentration) in increments of 0.01. With the ability to be recalibrated for years of use, the Elite Breathalyser will keep you and your pupils safe.
When instructing/driving in UK, Ireland & Europe the AlcoSense Elite 2 Breathalyser is a sensible gadget to have on you to make sure you don't risk your license or ADI badge.
Easy to Use
AlcoSense™ Elite 2has been designed to be as easy as possible to use and designed to fit in the palm of your hand. To activate the breathalyser all you do is slide the AlcoSense™ open. Once open it prepares the sensor and the screen will show a count down from 19 to 0, then it will display Blow. When it says blow, blow through the tube for approximately 5 seconds until it beeps.
Easy to understand results
AlcoSense Elite uses a revolutionary in built air flow sensor meaning that you can't blow too hard or too softly into the unit. If you blow too hard or too soft you can falsely make other breathalysers read too high or too low respectfully. If you don’t blow at the correct pressure the AlcoSense Elite will display Error on the screen and allow you to re-take the test.
Works with ALL UK, Irish & European limits
- "Don’t Drive Alert" when close to or over your chosen limit
- Use it again and again, can be recalibrated for years of use
- Premium semi-conductor sensor for high levels of accuracy
- Blow sensor for increased accuracy and consistency
- Reads up to twice English/Welsh limit, 3 times Scottish/Irish limit
- Auto self-clean program for extended life and accuracy
- Blow tubes for accurate breath sampling
- Detailed readings - up to two decimal places
- Readings in either mg/l or ‰BAC
- Accurate to +/-0.2‰BAC over entire reading range
Please note that this product is not NF approved for use in France
AlcoSense Elite is designed for the highest levels of performance and is ideal if you depend on your licence for work or wish to get the best protection possible. If you are looking for a reliable system which will give you a good guide to your blood alcohol level AlcoSense Lite is a great choice if you are on a budget.